



学术. 真实世界体验

Alliant International University is committed to excellence in education and training in the fields of psychology, 法律, 商业与管理, 教育和法医研究. Our goal is to prepare you as a practicing professional who is attuned to real-world, 你所在领域的最新发展. 

在阿连特,我们有一个多元化和多才多艺的教师, 他们中的许多人都是各自领域公认的专家, 谁在积极进行突破性的应用研究, 经常与学生合作. 我们的核心教师, 还有额外的兼职教员, represent an extraordinary resource for you while you’re with us at Alliant and for many years after. Many of our faculty have received awards and honors from their professional societies such as the American Psychological Association, the American Marriage and Family Therapy Association and the Academy of Management.



Founded in 1969, CSPP was one of the nation’s first independent schools of professional psychology. 今天, CSPP continues its commitment to preparing the next generation of mental health professionals through graduate-level degree programs in clinical psychology, 婚姻家庭治疗, 临床心理咨询, 组织心理学, 精神药理学, 和更多的.




CSOE提供各种学位, 证书, and 凭证 in education that prepare you to make a lasting difference through teaching, 咨询, 领导, 宣传, 政府, 管理, 还有社区工作. Whether you’re looking for an online degree program or an in-person learning experience for your higher education, 我们在这里指导你前进的每一步.




CSML is a business 管理 school that trains you to have a competitive edge in the technology and quantitative fields. CSML offers 管理 and 领导 degrees where you can learn to guide and mentor the next generation of professionals and make your mark as an innovator in the modern business world.




CSFS is dedicated to graduating rigorously educated and trained professionals who impact society, 公众舆论, 通过科学预防来制定政策, 调查, 以及缓和冲突和暴力. CSFS is a corporate partner of the International 法律 Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA), and many of our advanced practice 证书 are eligible for continuing education credit.




SFLS was founded in 1909 with the goal of making a legal education accessible to anyone. 100多年后, SFLS continues to offer accessible part-time evening classes where you can work full-time while earning your 法律 degree. Our faculty are working attorneys and judges who bring their experience to the classroom, 加强你的教育,为你的法律事业做好准备.




We offer degree programs that prepare students to enter the rewarding field of healthcare. 它有一个模拟中心和实验室, 通过小班授课提供动手练习, 6个模拟舱, 8张临床病床. 所有教科书都以电子方式提供, and the curriculum aligns with the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) essentials.

六所学校. 四大支柱. 一个任务.


1. 专业实践教育

Any profession has certain core skills or competencies that a practitioner must master to be able to practice successfully. The Alliant professional-practice educational model is designed to assure that students graduate fully equipped to make immediate, 对社区和职业有积极贡献.


2. 应用研究及奖学金

Conducting research and producing scholarly presentations and publications serve to assure that practicing professionals stay current with advancements in their fields. Alliant的研究方法是应用的,而不是理论的, so that the scholarly activities which our students and faculty engage in have real-world utility and application


3. 多元文化和国际竞争力

Alliant is an inclusive institution committed to serving diverse populations around the world by preparing professionals to work effectively across cultural and national boundaries. The University strives to accomplish this by increasing the number of professionals working in underserved areas, 通过理解和回应不同群体的需求. Among the important values of Alliant is a belief that all students should have an awareness of, respect for and curiosity about multicultural and international similarities and differences.


4. 社区参与

The Alliant mission includes a fundamental commitment to community engagement—the belief that practicing professionals must be able to contribute to the needs and interests of the communities in which they work. 结果是, 鼓励学生, 在很多项目中都是必需的, to engage in community-based projects and services during their training while at Alliant. One of the important ways success is measured is by the impact our graduates have, 直接和间接, 关于个人的福利, 家庭, 组织和社区.



Learn how Alliant faculty, students, and alumni are contributing to communities around the globe.




Learn how Alliant faculty, students, and alumni are contributing to communities around the globe.


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